Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Can a Medal of Freedom be far behind?

And in the world of the neo-con wingnut, true incompetence is once again rewarded with a promotion.

BONUS WINGNUTTERY GOODNESS: Kristol gets his ass and other body parts handed to him by Jon Stewart but WARNING -- turn down your volume before clicking, since that segment opens with a thoroughly annoying commercial. Go here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw the Daily Show last night with Kristal, and Jon certain had a great time bring up the record. LOL, but you have to hand it Kristal, he has the nuts to crotch kicking from Jon on national tv. Shit he even admitted Bush's Iraq war polices were wrong, Rummy was idiot and Dick was wrong about Rummy. LOL, it was great show, crotch kicking and a crow pie eating neo-clown.