Friday, January 12, 2007

Dear Andrew: About those numbers ...

National Post hack Andrew Coyne apparently fancies himself quite the rhetorician:

The [Toronto Star] has been campaigning for months for a $10 minimum wage, echoing an NDP private member's bill. Why $10? Why not $9, or $11? ...

If "because 10 is a nice round number" is the answer, why not $20? Or --an even rounder number -- why not $100 an hour?

Good question, Andrew. Sort of like asking, why did the CPoC promise to create 25,000 new child care spaces per year for five years? Why 25,000? Why not 20,000? Or 30,000? Or 28,429?

Or when Stephen Harper promised to cut the Right of Landing Fee by 50%. 50%? Why not 40%? Or 60%? Or 57.24%? And then promising to eventually reduce it to $100. As opposed to $50, or $150, or $29.99 and if you act now, I'll throw in this set of Ginsu cutlery absolutely free!

But that's OK, Andrew. I guess some round numbers are just more forgivable than others, is that how it works?

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