Monday, January 15, 2007

Dear Zorph: Bite me.

Back here, in the comments section, Zorpheous gets all snippy regarding my analogy involving Republicans and car wrecks:

I call copyright infringement on CC, bad dog, no martini's for you tonight, in fact you have to sleep with evil monkey tonight.

I'm guessing Zorph is referring to this recent piece of his, is that it, Zorph?

Read it and weep, monkey boy. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My evil planned worked, I go an Evil Monkey responce out of ya. And it isn't Monkey Boy, it Squirrel Boy, and it is ISTER Squirrel Boy to you CC, LOL

My wife hates Family Guy, I have to PVR i an watch it night after she is asleep,... I feel so dirty.

Loved the collection of Evil Monkey clips btw, there are several in the sequence that I have not seen yet.

Yet onto more important things, The Bush-Bots are starting with the whole it is the dems fault now and what are the dems going to do. I have to admitt that your idea for the dems to handle it is about the best. Iraq is George's little baby, let him raise it.