Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Via Jesus' General:

I believe that's what they call "margin of error."


Anonymous said...

47% of Globe and Mail readers believe in UFOs according to a recent poll.

CC said...

Personally, I believe in UFOs as well. Given that UFO stands for "unidentified flying object," I am firmly convinced that I've seen flying things that I haven't been able to identify. So what?

On the other hand, I am not even remotely convinced that we are being visited by beings from other worlds.

See? It's all in how you ask the question, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

The trolls just love their alleged "gotchas," don't they?

In any case, the UFO thing isn't an irrational belief. Since intelligent, space-faring life evolved on Earth, it's not beyond the realm of the possible to entertain the idea that it evolved elsewhere and could be technologically advanced enough to be visiting Earth. The issue is the evidence needed to prove that conclusively, which so far, does not exist.

Anyway, does anyone know if 25% of the population being somewhat insane is normal?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I recall the American Psychological Association (or whatever their professional organization is) asserting that one in four people did have some kind of mental illness. Of course, I believe they still classify caffeine addiction as a mental illness.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that as recently as 50 years ago, there were more Blessed Virgin sightings than UFO citings, and the Blessed Virgin thing wasn't an irrational belief either, cuz "someone" was Our Lord Jesus Christ's mother, and there's no reason she can't come back once in a while to say whatever it is she wants to say. Seriously, if Our Lord Jesus Christ can talk to Dear Leader and Pat Robertson, why can't the Blessed Virgin put in an appearance here and there?

Anonymous said...

Coming from an American, I believe that 'what America is thinking' can be further broken down.

Approval Rating
23% -Approve of their CIC
72% -How the hell did that moron get into office and why aren't the Democrats impeaching?

25% -Believe Jesus will return in 2007
75% -Believe that there are far too many religous wackos in our government.