Thursday, January 11, 2007

That gosh-darned "liberal media."

I don't know how America's whingers can stand all that overwhelming, left-wing media bias:

Following President Bush's January 10 prime-time address announcing his decision to deploy more than 20,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq, Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) delivered a brief Democratic response from Capitol Hill in which he stated, "Escalation of this war is not the change the American people called for in the last election. Instead of a new direction, the president's plan moves the American commitment in Iraq in the wrong direction." But ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox Broadcasting Co. all declined to air Durbin's remarks. ABC, NBC, and CBS returned to their regular programming.

And Fox? They were being fair and balanced, as usual:

Fox, meanwhile, held a post-speech discussion with National Review editor Rich Lowry and Democratic strategist Kirsten Powers, followed by an interview with Fox News military analyst retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, instead of cutting to Durbin.

Lowry ... Lowry ... oh, right ... this Rich Lowry. Your right-wing punditry in action.

P.S. Powers ... Powers ... oh, right ... that "Democratic strategist" Kirsten Powers.


Anonymous said...

FOX is the Luke Skywalker; the rest of the Main Stream Media is the Dark Side.

The Main Stream Media is the only stream of shit that can run up hill without a pump.

You need FOX to bring balance to the force.

May the Force be with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Faux News is just the sort of "balanced" info I want (I hope the note of sarcasm was evident!

Simon said...

Wayne is an Ewok.