Sunday, March 09, 2008

Little Green Snotballs

Looks like someone has cried the bitter tears of a retard onto the manly flannel shoulder of Pajama mogul Chuck Jonestown. Why the brave Cheetohs huffing hordes are flooding the old sitemeter in a veritable flurry of plus sized, moslem hating, shock.
Apparently one of us dissed the midget of malice, Kathy Schaidle and they've rushed over to gawk. You can almost smell the Aqua Velveeta.


Anonymous said...

Apparently one of us dissed the midget of malice, Kathy Schaidle
Haven't we all?

(and my dog would still not fuck that horrid creature)

HT said...

Does one hope that her benefactor will finally get her that green card that she wants so badly, and that she will renounce Canadian citizenship and migrate south forever removing herself from Canada and all it's evil socialist policies such as health care? Is that too much to ask?
I'll help her pack her bags! Of course, she'll probably do a David Grum, and maintain dual citizenship and residences in both countries, so she can take advantage of those evil socialized programs, while she is trying to get rid of them for the hoi polloi. God Forbid that her taxes.....wait a minute, is she paying taxes?

E in MD said...

I'm sure Kathy will feel all better once she finds some poor fat kids to make fun of.

Somena Woman said...
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Somena Woman said...
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Somena Woman said...

"she finds some poor fat kids to make fun of."

Don't forget that they will probably also be African American/Canadian...

Nothing says "Kathy Shaidle" quite as much as a post which denigrates poor people, other women, fat people, children and people of colour whilst attempting to simultaneously pretend to be a "good christian".

Rev.Paperboy said...

"aqua veleeta"


Ti-Guy said...

I didn't catch that. I thought "Aqua Velva" was insulting enough.

JJ said...

"Aqua Velveeta"!!?

