Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Support the troops.

Well, OK, maybe not this guy:

Sometimes a dead soldier isn't always a bad thing, if you catch my drift.

: Apparently, that video was yanked, so here's a slightly longer version. If that also gets pulled, just pop over to YouTube and search on "marine" and "puppy". You'll see what I mean.


Mike said...

And then we wonder why these prigs (not all soldiers, but guys like this) torture people and shoot civilians.

Holy shit...

burpster said...

I can see this sick fuck opening up on a crowded mall with an automatic rifle once back home.

What a fuckin' pansy.

Zorpheous said...

What a fucking dick!

Red Tory said...

Why should we suppose that the ratio of complete assholes in the military is any different from that of society at large?

Ti-Guy said...

Ah, fuck.

Paladiea said...

Wow, and I've been saying that people kick puppies as a joke...

I didn't believe people like this actually existed...

Jay said...

Frag that fuck. I'll pay money for it.

KEvron said...

"We're sorry, this video is no longer available".

shorter: "sanitized."

could somebody provide a summary?


KEvron said...

thanks for the second video, cc.

i still blame the fuckheads who put that kid into the kind of nightmarish situation that leaches the humanity from young men and women.


Somena Woman said...

What I find even more outrageously sick than this David Mortiari character are the people who are freaking out over the sickening display of cruelty to the dog, rather than the 10s of thousands of Iraqi civillians who have had their lives snuffed out just like the dog.

This guy Mortiari is infamous now for killing a puppy. 3000+ hits on his name alone in Google.

More people in America are going to be freaked out about this, than say the death of Iraqi children by the thousands... to say nothing of the tortured.

In today's world it's considered a valid debate to discuss torturing HUMAN BEINGS, while it's clearly out of line for people to kill a dog or submit it to abusive treatment.

Things are pretty screwed up if you ask me.

Ti-Guy said...

All cruelty is screwed up.

Somena Woman said...


For all the war-bloggers playing at Captain Keyboard for the war effort...

Do you really think you can send soldiers off to prosecute an illegal war where civillian deaths are considered normal, where torture is considered ok, and not have it have an impact on the morality and character of the people fighting?

Human life (amongst Iraqis) is cheap to US Forces. So much so that they (The US Military) doesn't even keep a body count. When you make people desensitized to cruelty and wanton killing a dead puppy is the least of what's going wrong in Iraq. David Mortiari's behaviour is just a symptom of the larger malaise.

Ti-Guy said...

You start wondering what are some of the things we don't know. The grinning idiots at Abu Ghraib were probably just foreshadowing.

Dr.Dawg said...
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Dr.Dawg said...

Gotta love the intertubes:

David Mortari
24419 Florence Acres Rd
Monroe, WA 98272-9662
Phone: (360) 794-7191

He claims that the puppy was sick and he was doing it a favour. Wonder what he'd do with a colicky baby?

KEvron said...

george w. chimp
1600 pennsylvania ave
washington, dc 20500

he has even wilder claims.


Richard said...
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CC said...

You know, Dick ... for someone who claims to dislike me so much, you spend an awful lot of time here. And, for the last time, no, you can't have any naked pictures of my children.

Are we clear now?

Mike said...


I was pretty pissed at that video (also poster here) of that young Marine bragging to his buddies about raping an Iraqi girl, who apparently later hung herself.

Its not just about dogs, but about cruelty and violence.

M@ said...

CC -- in Richard's defence, maybe those pictures weren't for him, but for friends of his at a certain organization he links to that is into that kind of thing.