Saturday, August 16, 2008

No, that's not quite right ... here, let me give you a hand ...

A little tweaking and ... ah, there we go:

If, as Van Sluys seems to suggest, the program Church has been unable to achieve its objectives after seven 2000 years, then perhaps we should admit failure and shut it down. At some point, the government must stop holding the hands of arts administrators Church leaders and similar parasites of the public purse if they refuse to grow up. There is no reason for this program preferential tax exemption for religion in Canada to continue into perpetuity.

Yeah, that reads so much better now, doesn't it?


JJ said...

Works for me!

Anonymous said...

So much closer to the actual truth.

s said...

Being taxed as a non-profit organization is different than getting grants from the government. That being said, I disagree with the Cons cuts...they think we should all be USians.